Sunday, May 18, 2008

"The Host"

Just like all the other Stephenie Meyer books, I couldn't put it down. I'm sure my family is glad that I finally finished it. I didn't like it as much as the "Twilight" books, but I still loved it. Everyone should read her books. There are so many books that I've started and had to stop reading lately, because of language or other things. You can't go wrong with a Stephenie Meyer book, though. In case you're wondering, Costco has it for the cheapest, or you can borrow mine! I think I'm going to read Twilight again. After seeing that movie trailer, I need a dose of Edward.


Linde said...

I am glad that you finished. I am still working on it. There isn't anyone quite like Edward. I always ask Luke if he is okay with a little role play! haha

Carol said...

soooooo.....can I borrow it?????? I'm reading something else right now but would happily set it aside for a little 'Host'. :)

Jason & Claire said...

I didn't know she had written anything else. I'm on my way to the book store! That trailer got me excited too.

FrankNApril said...

I never never heard of it! Looks like it is good! Glad you liked it! April