Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Some favorites from Cancun 2009

3 weeks of laziness is my kind of vacation...We went to Wet n Wild. Hence, the wristbands. The kids had a contest to see who could wear their shredded, torn up wristband the longest. Of course, Blake won. She had hers on until after Christmas, I think.

Diddy wore her favorite Hello Kitty floaties EVERYWHERE. Nana had to buy her another set of beach toys, 'cause Papa let the wave take her watering can. The watering can is most important, and she was very upset. Bad Papa :) and then at the end of the trip, he confessed that he used her new watering can to unclog the toilet so he wouldn't have to call hotel maintenance??? PAPA!!! Sick.

We had some HUGE waves this time. It's hard to tell, but they are pretty far out in the ocean. My kids are all really strong swimmers, but even Lincoln wouldn't go out without a life jacket.

Lincoln had that "beach hair" surfer look the whole time. Loved it.
The kids spent lots of time on the laptop playing Club Penguin by the pool.
Papa always got stuck being the equipment manager, but he didn't mind.
We had the WORST layover EVER in Mexico City. 12 hours, and that is not the cleanest airport. I felt like soaking everything in Purel by the time we got out of there.
Robby refused to go to sleep. He felt like he had to protect us all. Awe. He said he was worried something would happen to one of the kids. He stayed awake the whole time. Carol brought 2 air mattresses and we laid them out in the food court. The kids slept a little, but security kicked us out in the middle of the night :( The stores were all closed, and there was nobody around. We weren't hurting anything. The poor kids were soooo tired.

I can't believe the trip we've been planning for 2 years is already over. It will be a while before we can vacation again. The baby will be here in about 6 weeks or so. And who really wants to take 5 kids and a newborn on vacation??? Only crazy people, I think.


Sara said...

Those pictures are amazing. Your children are beautiful, tanned little sunbabies! :) I have been craving a vacation lately, too. We had a few short ones this year, which was nice. But I agree - vacationing with little babies is hard. Soon enough, I guess!

6 weeks! I cannot believe it! If nothing decides to change up on us, I am being induced in 10 weeks, so I am right behind you.

Baily's Fabulous Blog said...

awesome photos it looked liked a whole bunch of fun.

Jason & Claire said...

Awesome pictures. Looks like such an AMAZING trip. That layover sounds awful. Is that your brother that guarded all of you? That's awesome.

Kristin said...

Wow, color me green! I would even take the 12 hour layover in mexico if i could have 3 weeks on the beach!

hailey said...

We had so much fun!!! The kids were great and so happy just to be at the beach or the pool AND THEN there was Happy Hour. 2 for 1 drinks and free chips and salsa. Good times!!!

hailey said...

Actually it was my post above under Hailey's account.

Love you ...Nana

Jess said...

I love all your pictures! It sounded like such a fun relaxing vacation.

Linde said...

I loved all the pictures. Seriously so cute! Sounds like fun and I am glad you got to go before you have the baby.