I saw on a friend's blog that kids are free at the Spring's Preserve all of August, and guess what? It's true! My sister, my dad, and I went with our 8 kids, and every.single.kid was free :) That makes me happy, because I am a cheapskate. So, if you want your kids to think you ROCK, you should take them.
In other news...
Levi had his first taste of real food. OK, maybe not his first :) Jim feeds him little bites of random goodies all the time. He is not really digging the baby food. He likes the instant gratification of his bottle, and baby food just takes too long. He starts getting frustrated with the process.
Jim took the kids camping. I had a few days home alone with baby Levi. It was a DREAM! I got all excited because I had nobody to interrupt me, so I cleaned the whole house and did all the laundry. It felt good to be caught up. The kids had a blast camping. They went to Pine Valley, and said it was beautiful. I'm glad my kids have an awesome dad! Really, what kind of man takes 5 kids camping by.him.self ?
I had to post this picture. This look is so typical of Taylor. "Seriously, dad?"
Jim did good taking pictures! Your kids are just adorable. I love times like that. Getting all caught up on your house and laundry is the best feeling ever. Then they come home! haha
took them camping AND took pictures???? he is "da" man!!!
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