Thursday, October 23, 2008

What do you mean Roxy's not a girl?

A couple of days ago, I was upstairs straightening up in Taylor and Blake's room. I decided to check on the hamsters to make sure they were OK. Oh, yeah, we got another hamster. That makes 2 little rodents. Both female. The kids thought Roxy was lonely, and needed a friend, so we picked up Yoda. Well, Yoda is not very nice to Roxy, and I have noticed that she was getting really fat, so I thought she was bullying Roxy and hogging all the food. So I go in to check on the hamsters, and Yoda is up in the hamster wheel cleaning and feeding her 8 little hamster babies!!! Turns out, Roxy is a boy!!! Of course, I freaked out and made Jim come home from work to take care of it. We took Yoda and the babies back to Petland, where we can visit periodically and see how they are doing. Now we are back to just Roxy, who is a boy, but has a girl's name. The kids are wondering... do we change the name? We are already used to the name Roxy.

I have to warn you, the pictures are disturbing..


Kristin said...

I thought that kind of stuff only happened on tv!! Too funny, I'm surprised your kids didn't make you keep them!!

Sommer said...

That is too crazy! Talk about a science lesson!


Amy said...

That happened to us! When I was in second grade Josh came out and said Mom there are pink things in our hamsters cage. Babies! Good thinking to take them back to Petland. We kept them... my poor mom.

Cari Dahl said...

This... is hilarious. And terrifying. All at once.

Church Fam said...

that one made me laugh. :)

Carol said...

you weren't kidding...they ARE sick! I've got the heeby geebies right now!!!

Laurie Mitton said...

Emilee told me about this, I thought she was kidding. But it's so funny. Emilee is begging to play with Blake we need to get the girls together soon.