Sunday, June 28, 2009


That's how many times I posted in June. Lame & pathetic. I'm a blog loser. I LOVE posting on my blog, too. This just has not been the lazy summer that I so look forward to. We have 2 more weeks of school left, and then I don't plan on leaving the side of my pool until school starts up again.

2 Cool 4 School. Achievement Days Daddy Daughter Dance. 50's style.

Blake is always the little jokester. Notice the "bunny ears".

Kelly's husband, Brandon, was the star of the show this month at Spring Mountain Ranch in "The Buddy Holly Story". Of course, he was Buddy Holly, and he was amazing! I stole these pics from Kelly. We always have a blast watching Uncle Brando perform.

Videos that I promised...

This is a cute video. Brookie is obsessed with "Thoroughly Modern Millie". Kelly just finished playing Millie and I think Brookie saw the show about 20 times. She knows all the choreography.

I am ready for things to start slowing down here. I need a break and a vacation :) Already, my schedule is filling up for this week- Monday & Tuesday booked already. Not to mention all the little inconveniences that keep happening. Like having to replace my car tires, and today my fridge broke! Ugh! Good thing we had a fridge in the garage to put all the food in. There is a leak in the pool somewhere, too. Couponing takes alot of time each week, but it is so worth it because I save a ton of money. I bought 8 packages of diapers and pull-ups this week for practically nothing. It's late and I am starting to ramble.

Whatever, I love my life. As busy as it is, I couldn't be happier. I could use 5 more hours in a day, though...


Maggie said...

oh my gosh i love your kids they are all so talented!! brookies is sooooo cute! i need a vacation too! :D

Sara said...

It isn't the least bit shocking how musically gifted your children are!! I remember being awestruck by your singing and piano-playing when we were young. LOVE your kids!!

Carol Woolworth said...

Wow!!! My nieces are the BOMB!

Kristin said...

Hey girl! Amy is in town and I want to if your up for lunch this week! We could do either thursday or friday and we could either just have lunch here at my house with kids or we could do not kids at like cheesecake factory or something! I sent a message to sommer and katie, but you aren't on facebook any more did your account get hacked or something?? Let me know if your in! And what works for yoU!