Tuesday, June 16, 2009


My blogging has been pathetic lately. I feel like I've been crazy busy lately with the house, family, and YW stuff. I haven't been taking any pictures, therefore, I have none to post. Sorry. So, here is my attempt to update everyone on what the Berkabile's have been up to.

Jim- has been slammed at work, which is a really good thing. I know he wishes he didn't have to work so much, but it is a blessing to be so busy when you are in Real Estate. When he is not working, he is at the Church, Stake Meetings, Presidency Meetings, speaking assignments, missionary farewells, planning Youth Conference, you get the picture. He always has such a great attitude, though, and I feel like we still get plenty of family time, so no complaints.

Kirsten- has enjoyed having just the 2 little girls home this schoolyear, though I don't feel like I'm home much. There is always so much to do, and I never feel caught up. The crockpot has become my best friend, because it is so much easier to make dinner in the morning than after the kids come home from school (lessons, practice, playing with friends, homework, baths, etc.). YW's is keeping me pretty busy. Lots of emailing, some meetings, visits, phone calls...hoping we will be ready for camp, etc. Dylan is pretty much potty-trained. She has random accidents. I wish I could say as much for the puppy. I have been running about 5 miles a day, and my right knee is giving me major problems. I can't stop running, so I have been pushing thru it and icing it. Jim & the Dr. tell me to stay off it, but, seriously, I have never in my life been able to run and I am not about to stop. I think I may start alternating with spinning...

Taylor- is growing up way too fast. She is obsessed with "Twilight" and is now in the middle of "New Moon". I told her she can't read "Breaking Dawn". It took alot to get me to let her read the series. She's 10 going on 13. She is constantly emailing her friends and family, she wants to be an actress when she grows up, and she is super smart. She has no homework for the rest of the year because she memorized her Counties and Governors. She is the classic over-achiever.

Blake- is as sweet as ever. She is always crafting and doing funny creative things. She is the class clown, and has a TON of friends. She, too, is always emailing and talking on the phone with her friends. After school, she gets phone calls all afternoon from friends. If a friend of hers is sick or injured, she always wants to make them a treat. She has so much faith and has a strong testimony. She wants to go on a Mission. She is a good girl.

Lincoln- is all boy. He is constantly playing baseball. It is rare to find him without his ball and glove. He loves Mario Kart, and he loves playing with his friends. His room is always clean, and he would eat waffles for every meal if I let him. He is a huge Mets fan, and has a shrine on his bedroom wall to the Mets. I will have to post a picture of it later. He is so sweet to Dylan, but teases Brooklyn relentlessly.

Brooklyn- is a princess. She only wears dresses, is always brushing her hair, and is always singing, playing the piano, and dancing. She loves to reenact this scene from "Thoroughly Modern Millie" (Kelly's show), and she has the choreography down perfectly. She is a sweet girl. She loves to play with her girlfriends, and she always hugs them when she says good-bye, like she's a teen-ager or something.

Dylan- is such a good girl. She plays puzzles and Nick Jr. all day long. She is such an easy child. She loves to dance around and she always has a smile on her face. She is the happiest little girl I know. She loves Diego and Wow Wow Wubzy. She thinks grapes are doodleberries, and her favorite word is "poopiage" (she made it up). I love that girl.

So, there's the update. I'm sure it was terribly boring to anyone who isn't one of my kids' Grandparents. But, since I'm kind of obsessed with journaling and genealogy, I feel like it's good to document these things sometime.


Jason & Claire said...

I have loved getting to know Taylor and Blake in activity days. They are SUCH good kids. I always love hearing about them from your perspective. Love the update.

Sara said...

I only have Ainsley, so I only see her personality. But what amazes me the most is each of your children are so unique. It makes me see more clearly how so much of a child's personality is of their own adoption. They sound like wonderful children. :) Playdate soon? Dylan and Ainsley sound so much alike! (Ainsley calls every ball a kickety kickball from Wow Wow Wubzy!)

Brett, Jaymie, McKaleigh, Colton, Alex said...

Its crazy how Summer gets way more busy than we anticipated...I think I am doing more now than I did during the school year with only 3 kids. I guess it never slows down, so we just have to try and keep up!

On another note - my mom, dad, Dan, and David's wife are running the Park City Half Marathon (13 miles) in August...you are welcome to join us - it would be fun!

Brett, Jaymie, McKaleigh, Colton, Alex said...

P.S. I am running/walking it also!

Love J

Unknown said...

How about going to the spinning class together when we are in Vegas? :-)