Jim Kirsten Taylor Blake Lincoln Brooklyn Dylan Levi Finley
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Family Photo Shoot
Don't they look excited to do family pictures! I dread family pictures. It's way too much pressure to try to make 7 people look flawless for any amount of time. It's been 2 years since we have done them. However, I was excited to save some money and take the pictures myself! So, we headed out into the backyard on Sunday afternoon. We even got a couple pics of all of us, thanks to Jordan (one of my YW). We just might get that Christmas card out this year! Get ready for a picture overload...I know I posted alot of black & white, but I love the look of them. We ended up having a good time. The kids even had a good laugh, 'cause my shoe fell in the pool!
beautiful pictures. great job!! It looks like it would be hard to get a bad picture of your beautiful kids! We will be heading out to the park before school tomorrow, our desert backyard isn't the most ideal place for pictures!! Will I be on your christmas card list???
Kisten, Great pictures! Your kids are so cute! I want a picture if you do make cards! Hey, Kelly was going to invite you to out R.S dinner. She is doing or helping?? with the music part and it is going to be really nice. It is this Thursday at Stake center at 6:30. I hope you can make it! Also, do you know Kaylene Fotheringham? She teaches music to my kids at their school. They like her too! April
Wow you did a great job. We were just talking tonight about pic's for our family Christmas cards. Do you think maybe this week you would be able to come over and take our family picture for our Christmas Card, you could use your camera or mine. I would just like to be able to get them over to Costco and sent out by next weekend. We would like just to take a few shots in front of our Christmas tree.But if your too busy, I can ask my neighbor but your work looks great. Which reminds me I need your address to send out Christmas Cards, Emilee has been all over me to get the address of her friends. I keep telling her that, they don't all want a family picture os the Mitton's. Well if you think you up to shot our family let me know. Again GREAT JOB!!!
Super Super Cute! You did a great job. Family pictures are alot of work but so worth it! I love them!Your kids are gorgeous!
beautiful pictures. great job!! It looks like it would be hard to get a bad picture of your beautiful kids! We will be heading out to the park before school tomorrow, our desert backyard isn't the most ideal place for pictures!! Will I be on your christmas card list???
Very cute! The candid shots are always the best. Sorry to hear about your Thanksgiving...but I bet it's one you'll never forget!!
Great pictures! Your kids are so cute!
I want a picture if you do make cards! Hey, Kelly was going to invite you to out R.S dinner. She is doing or helping?? with the music part and it is going to be really nice. It is this Thursday at Stake center at 6:30. I hope you can make it! Also, do you know Kaylene Fotheringham? She teaches music to my kids at their school. They like her too! April
Hey, can you email yours and carols address??
What a beautiful family you have!
Great pictures! Family pictures stress me out big time. I think that is so neat you could take your own pictures. They all turned out so cute.
Wow you did a great job. We were just talking tonight about pic's for our family Christmas cards. Do you think maybe this week you would be able to come over and take our family picture for our Christmas Card, you could use your camera or mine. I would just like to be able to get them over to Costco and sent out by next weekend. We would like just to take a few shots in front of our Christmas tree.But if your too busy, I can ask my neighbor but your work looks great. Which reminds me I need your address to send out Christmas Cards, Emilee has been all over me to get the address of her friends. I keep telling her that, they don't all want a family picture os the Mitton's. Well if you think you up to shot our family let me know. Again GREAT JOB!!!
Diddy is sooo pretty in the first picture
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