Friday, June 5, 2009


This time of year is always soooooo busy. Piano recitals, violin recitals, dance recitals, Memorial Day, Blake's birthday, Lincoln's's a lot to try to cram into one month. Thought I would post some highlights. I will try to post videos of the piano & violin recitals later. I'm not sure how to do it with the new video camera.

Memorial Day weekend was fun. The neighbors had a party and invited a lot of friends. The kids had a blast swimming all day with their friends.

I had to post this picture. Jim took it. It's such a "Blake" picture. It shows her little personality. I've always said, she marches to the beat of her own drum...

Every 5 minutes, Dylan would run and get a new toy out of this box and put it by the side of the pool. She probably had 20 toys at the end of the day.

Blake turned 9 about a week ago! I haven't even had time to post it, and it's already almost Lincoln's birthday. I gave Blake the option of having a party or $100. She took the money (halleluhah). We just had a birthday cake with the family and gave her the money. She made me take her to the bank and exchange it for one dollar bills. So, now she has $100 in ones. I would love to have a glimpse into her little brain one day. Some of the things she does are totally left field. I love her, though. She is still very picky about her clothes, hair, and backpack. She picks her own clothes out, I am allowed to brush her hair ONLY, and her backpack has to weight 100lbs. Her latest quirks are: it really bugs her if Jim & I are watching TV downstairs after she goes to bed. Even if we turn it waaayyy down, she can't stand it. She will curl up in a ball in the far corner of her room and sleep on the floor. Also, I cannot have any laundry going at night. It makes her crazy! I have to write all of this down, so she can read it when she's a mom someday. She is so funny. Oh, BTW, she wants to buy an overhead projector with her birthday money. ???
Blake had her Spring violin recitals. She had a classical one and a Broadway one. I will post a video of her classical one soon, I hope. She played "Popular" from Wicked for the Broadway one. I don't have a video of that. We are finally in the middle of Book 2. I thought we would be in Book 1 FOREVER. She's doing great, though, and after almost 6 years of lessons, she still LOVES the violin!Brookie Doodah graduated from Preschool! She is so grown up now. She is soooo over cartoons, she said. She only wants to watch iCarly & Zach and Cody. She will be going to Kindergarten soon. I will miss her!
She has a dance recital in a couple weeks, and they tried to get me to pay $20 for one 8x10 photo. I thought that was just ridiculous. So, I did a little photo shoot of her in her costume. I liked how they turned out and it was FREE.
I took my boys down to LA to see the Mets play the Dodgers. We are huge Mets fans at our house, and I figured it was cheaper going to LA than NY to see a game. I surprised them with it. Thanks to my Mom and Sisters for juggling my girls into their busy schedules that day.

We had so much fun! I had the longest hotdog I've ever seen in my life. We also spent about 3 hours at IKEA before the game. It is possible that Lincoln was more excited to go when I told him we were going to IKEA, too. You would think we were going to Disneyland. I wish we could've gone to Disneyland...


Rachel said...

Jim and Jud look alike when I see Jim in some of those pics. Easton is in that icarly stage, as well as suite life, and I can't stand either of them. The dance pictures are adorable. You have such beautiful children!

Doralee said...

Kirsten, these are some of the most beautiful photos I've ever seen. Your children are each so photogenic!

Kristin said...

looks like lots of fun! I love that you took 1 kid on a quick trip, i want to do that too!! you pictures are looking great!! can't wait to see your videos when you get them posted!

Carol said...

your may sounds like mine...i still haven't recovered nor posted some crucial events! Way to catch up. love the dance pics of Brooky, very clever!

Linde said...

I am so glad that you posted so many pictures. I loved them all. Happy birthday to Blake. She is serioulsy so funny. 100 one hundred dollar bills! Too cute! I know how you feel about being so busy. I feel like I just can't get caught up!

Jess said...

I got tired just reading all the things you had in May. :) I love all your pictures. You are so talented! What a fun surprise for your Jim and Lincoln!