Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Where did summer go???

It's already time for the kids to go back to school? I'm not done sleeping in and laying by the pool! It's been a crazy busy summer for us, and I feel like we haven't really done anything. I have spent my days scrambling to pick up after everyone (and all their friends that are over). I am really tired of being a short-order cook (15 different meals a day)! If I hear the words "I'm bored!" again, or come downstairs to another "fort" I think I will go insane! It has been a nice break from school, though, for the most part! Here are a few things we did...

Jim and Lincoln took a fishing trip.

Dylan turned 2!

The kids built LOTS of forts! This one was more like a mansion. Goodbye kids! I will miss you during the day while you are at school...kinda...I think.


FrankNApril said...

I think it will be nice when school starts? Get everyone back to regular sleeping hrs.etc. It looks like you all had fun and you worked hard cooking, cleaning and all that Mom stuff! April

Chandra said...

I was wondering where summer went myself. I swear I had plans to do something. I will miss the lazy days, but routines can be good too. BONUS- the house will stay clean for at least 6 hours!!!

Linde said...

Doesn't it go by SO fast! How nice for us though, we only have 2 kids home. I hope that Monday goes good for all of you. By the way I agree with you when it comes to getting up early. The kids have to be on the bus by 7:45 here...yikes!

Enjoy your little bit of a queit house.