Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Food post

I hardly ever post about food. April will be so proud :D Two nights in a row I've used my deep fryer. This thing is going to kill me. Mozzarella sticks, fries, chimichangas (or Jimmy Conga's to Diddy), onion rings, chicken wings, popcorn chicken. Need I go on.

I made these onions strings last night. You know you order these everytime you go out! They are so good. They taste even better drenched in homemade ranch. Yum!
On another note...I found Diddy in my makeup tonight. I took one look at her and she knew she was in trouble. That is foundation and mascara all over her lips. In her defense, my foundation and mascara both come in a tube that looks like lipgloss. But, still. I can't believe she figured out how to open my makeup case. I bought a Diddy-proof case long ago. I guess I need to buy a lock, too.


FrankNApril said...

Wow! I am proud of you!
I predict more food pics to come.....
Yum-o! I love ranch with all that stuff.
Cool gadget too! April

Carol said...

that Diddy girl...she is hillarious!

love the deep fryer. i'd be using it all the time too if I had that one. we still have the old school fry daddy style!

feel free to invite me over anytime for dinner, or lunch...i'm easy =)

Chandra said...

When Carol comes over to "fry" just go ahead and include me. Love every single morsel that you mentioned... ooohh and with HOMEMADE ranch!!!