Wednesday, March 31, 2010

On my mind

I managed to catch a couple pictures before Church on Sunday. They are not the greatest, but we were running late (which is usually the case these days). I love how Lincoln is poking his head up behind Levi in this picture. It captures, perfectly, how where Levi is, Lincoln is close by :) Lincoln just kisses his little face off all day long. I love it.

Jim gave Levi a beautiful blessing on Sunday. The Spirit in the meeting was so strong. Jim, me, Taylor, Blake, and Juddy all bore our testimonies. It was a perfect meeting and a great day. We all gathered for lunch at Granny's afterwards for chicken alfredo. Yum.

After much debate, Levi ended up wearing Lincoln's blessing outfit. We had a different one for him to wear, but Lincoln insisted that Levi wear his.

I love how Diddy is more interested in her waffle than taking pictures. Everyday she says, "Mom, can I have a waffle in my hand?" That means she wants it "to go" and doesn't want to bother with sitting down and eating it with syrup.

I haven't had 2 minutes to myself to sit down and post on the blog, but I have still been catching up on all your cute blogs via iphone while feeding the baby :)

So, catching up...

This is how you will find Diddy all day long. In her underwear playing Wii. I had to cover her up with a blanket for the picture. She is obsessed with Super Mario Bros., and she is really good at it.

Lincoln listens to music on the computer all day, dressed like a "gangsta" as he calls it. This "gangsta" pose was his idea. He sings along and plays air guitar to his favorite songs for hours. Somehow, he manages to squeeze in playing Wii, teasing his sisters, and loving his baby brother of course.

Taylor and Blake rearranged the furniture in their room. I just let them do it. Frankly, I am too tired to protest

I don't know how someone who gets to lay around and nap all day can look so mad all the time :) This is what Levi does all day, and then he likes to eat every 2 hours in the middle of the night. Nice. The second little man makes a peep, he has 5 older siblings rushing over to feed him or change him or give him his binky.

Kelly & Brandon moved to LA, because Brandon got cast as Buddy Holly in California. It's an amazing opportunity for him, but we will miss them both. After his run with this show, they are moving to New York :( Brandon is off to be a big can check out his website here:

My husband has been up all night waaaayyyy too many times working on this Seriously, he is a genius. Now he's a web programmer??? Anyway, if you are a realtor and you do a lot of shortsales, you need to buy a subscription to this website. Please, please, please. I could really use a cleaning lady :)

On my mind...

My family room carpet and furniture are really gross. When your dog is eating stuff out of the cracks in your ottoman, it's time for new furniture.

I need to find the motivation to go back to the gym. I am tired of wearing the same 2 pairs of jeans...Plus side- I weight 10 lbs less right now than I did when Brooklyn was 6 months old. I don't have far to go. I just don't have anything to wear.

I need a landscaper. My yard is waaayyyy out of control. I have 17 palm trees in the back yard that need to be trimmed. It looks like a jungle back there, and it is too overwhelming for me.

My car could use a good detail, too. But, my house looks great despite track break with all 6 kids home!

When I was pregnant, I didn't care and was totally unmotivated to do anything. Now, at least, I can recognize that things need to be done. That doesn't mean that I have the energy to do any of it just yet :)

I don't know if I'm ready for the kids to go back to school. It is so nice being able to sleep in a couple of extra hours in the morning while my girls are taking care of the baby. They are so good with him.

We have this creepy crippled bird stalking our house. He sits on our doorstep in the corner, and freaks us out everytime we get home. The kids even found him in the garage yesterday. Seriously, creepy. I can do bugs, but I birds and mice freak me out.

Lately, I have been craving In-n-Out Burger. It's the only thing that sounds good. Usually, I crave Taco Bell, but I could care less if I go to Taco Bell. I just want a Double Double from In-n-Out.

I think we are single-handedly keeping Red Box in business.

We are obsessed with "Cake Boss" at our house. We all gather around to watch it. Blake wants to be a pastry chef when she grows up. Thank heavens she doesn't want to be a Ventriliquist anymore. But our little "Blake-arella" can't stop baking. She is begging me to help her make fondant. But, frankly, I'm exhausted. We have made cake pops, brownies with mint chocolate chips, chocolate covered strawberries, all thanks to this website (which Blake is obsessed with)

Taylor is obsessed with clothes. All she will wear are skinny jeans from H&M. I think I've
created a monster.

Lincoln has grown about 4 inches in the last 5 months. He is looking so tall and grown up. He won't be the smallest one on the baseball team for long. He is about to pass Blake up.

What else...I guess that's it. Enough random thoughts for today. Hope I didn't bore you all to death. Or maybe you just stopped reading... :)


Katie Morgan said...

What a beautiful family you have! I'm still shocked you have 6 kids! I'm envious, though. I'd love to have lots of kids. I sure do love the 1 I have. I'm so lucky to have 1! Glad all is well.

Carol said...

so sad we missed the blessing...the one day we are late for church! but we caught the rest. little levi is starting to fill cute. enjoyed all your little updates, glad to hear you are surviving...even if barely.

Jess said...

The blessing was beautiful! Levi looks so handsome in his blessing outfit.

Kristin said...

1. Yeah for waffles to go, less stickeyness!
2. Lincoln is way to cute to be gansta
3. Levi looks like a little old man, but a cute one!
4. Next week I am going to go get you a double doulbe and come see that baby! What day is good?
5. YOu can buy fondant all you have to do is add color and rool it out, they even have it at walmart by the party stuff.
6. I made it all the way to the end! HA HA!

Kelly said...

Thanks for including us in your blog! We are so glad we didn't miss Baby Levi's blessing. Hey and I bore my testimony too!!! we miss you guys! ROCKS!!!

Jason & Claire said...

Loved this update. Levi is precious. I love that he wore Lincoln's blessing outfit. I guess you'll just have to save that other one for Berkabile Baby #7!;) I loved that plug in Jim's testimony. You guys make amazing kids. I couldn't think of anybody more able to handle it and handle it well. Any baby is more than lucky to come into your sweet home.

Sara said...

He is so tiny . . . our boys will have to play together once mine fatten up. :) And then Ainsley and Dylan are almost the same age, too. I wish we didn't live so far away from each other. Well, I guess it isn't that far in the whole grand scheme of things. :)