Wednesday, April 8, 2009


that we did something fun during track break.

OK. Let's see.
  • Diddy managed to pull a 15lb bowling ball off the rack.
  • Brookie insisted on wearing her Gabriella costume.
  • None of the kids matched.
  • Twice, our ball got stuck in the middle of the lane- thanks to Diddy. Three adults there and none of us happened to see her grab a bowling ball and throw it down the lane. Ooops.
  • Good thing Carol & Kelly came along since my bowling hand is impaired.
  • The kids kept changing their names on the score board. We got all mixed up, because we couldn't remember who "Danger" and "Swetty" and "Shocker" were.
  • 3 1/2 hours later, we finally left the bowling alley.
  • We had a really good time!

This has been a really great track break. The kids have been really good. The house has stayed miraculously clean. The laundry is pretty much caught up. I'm actually not sure if I'm ready for them to go back to school. I could use one more week, I think. Of sleeping in, I mean.


Linde said...

Looks like so much fun! What great pictures. I always love the breaks so that I don't have to hurry in the mornings but glad to get back into a routine. I was going to tell you there is this little girl that LOVES Kyron and she looks so much like Taylor. Kinda funny but it makes me miss your beautiful girls. I plan to chase her off when he realizes what is going on. He is already taken!(when he is 21)

Carol said...

dido on one more week! this break has gone by fast and i too would like to sleep in a little more, really forever, but whose counting.

way to take the kids out, you're brave

Chandra said...

Amen to the sleeping in...and no homework woes. This was a short break that's why we're not so dog earred yet! Bowling looked like great fun! My kids have been sportin' the ragamuffin look too, but what the heck- it's spring break!

Kristin said...

Looks like a fun day!! your pictures are getting really good!