Sunday, June 1, 2008

Diddy the Trouble Maker

Hi everyone! It's me Taylor. I have a little something to say about my sister.Let's just get things straight. You know, my baby sister Diddy, right? Well, EVERYONE thinks she's an angel, but she is a devil! Earlier today, she got a hold of a brown marker. You know what that means.Yes all over my room.... marker was on my computer desk, my dresser, my bed, my window, my computer and my door. I am sooo mad at her. I told her to say she was sorry, but all I got from her was NO NO TATE! DIDDY DO IT! I started yelling at her, but then she tried to bite me. All of my brothers and sisters know the story. And she also colored on the banister with crayon. And if you ever come into my house and see circles on the walls or something, you will know who did it. But NO ONE will believe what I'm saying about Diddy, except for my family. They know how big of a mess maker she is. Just wanted to post this because I want people to know how much she ruins all of our stuff. And when I say this I say it for the whole family, Beware of Diddy!


Kirsten said...

Taylor Taylor Taylor what are we going to do with you. you are so annoying. Love,

P.S. i'm telling your friend Ashlyn how annoying you think she is.

Kirsten said...

Blake! I do not think Ashlyn is annoying! You're the annoying one!


Chandra said...

Way to vent! Just let it all out- I believe you, my little sis was a spoiled brat too!!

g said...

This is hilarious! Gotta love sisters :)

Linde said...

I am just dying laughing. It seems like the babies are always the trouble makers, because they are so spoiled!

Darrell and Colleen said...

What a darling family. Each so individual and darling. I love them all so dearly. Of course, I am not partial, I am the grandmother.

Jason & Claire said...

This is killing me. The boys totally feel this way about Anneliese. How can the worst omess makers look the most innocent?